6 Signs You May Need Dental Implants

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You can use dental implants for any problem that affects your tooth roots. For example, if you lack a tooth root, your jaws weaken, shrink and make your lips and cheeks sag. Contact a local cosmetic dental services provider for a dental implant procedure if you experience the issues below.

1. You Have an Irreparable Tooth

Whereas dentists try to save your teeth, sometimes severe decay, cracks, fractures, and infection can't be fixed or saved. A dental implant is ideal if you have an irreparable tooth that restorative dentistry techniques can't repair. With a cosmetic dentistry implant, rest assured that the look and function will be similar to your natural teeth.

2. Your Dentures Are Loose

Loosely fitting dentures can prove troublesome to handle. Implants are an ideal alternative that doesn't become loose over time. So, you won't always have to feel self-conscious that your dentures could fall out in public while you eat or talk. If you need a solution for loose dentures, contact a cosmetic dental services professional for a lasting solution.

3. Your Have Jaw Bone Loss

Jaw bone loss is common when you have missing teeth or wear dentures for an extended period. Dental implants usually sit in the jaw's socket and act as the artificial tooth root. The dental implant materials naturally bond with your bone tissue and enable the implant root to stimulate jaw bone growth. As a result, the chances of bone deterioration decline.

4. You Find Denture Care Hectic

Denture care needs you to remove and clean your set from time to time. Sometimes, you must apply adhesives to keep your dentures in place. Whereas the process is manageable, you may not enjoy the extra care needed for dentures. In such a situation, dental implants are a more convenient option. You take care of dental implants like your natural teeth: brush and floss to keep them clean.

5. You Have a Sunken-In Facial Appearance

If you wear dentures for an extended period, you may get a curved-in or sunken-in facial look. The appearance results from continuous bone loss as you grow older. A cosmetic dentist installs dental implants to spur the growth of new healthy bone tissue in the jaw around your implant. The natural lift you get with implants gives your face a more youthful look.

6. You Have Missing Teeth

If you have a gap in your mouth due to a lost tooth, the nearby teeth push into the space. With time, you may struggle to chew and speak. In addition, a front teeth gap might embarrass you when you smile or talk. A dental implant restores your smile and teeth functionality. So, you won't have to avoid some foods or be afraid to open your mouth in public.


Dental implants revolutionize dentists' handling of lost and damaged teeth and the associated issues. If you have any problems mentioned above, consult your cosmetic dentist for a comprehensive examination. Then, you will receive a diagnosis and a recommendation of whether you are an ideal candidate for dental implants.

To read more, check out a variety of cosmetic dentistry websites.
