The Amazing Power Of Stem Cell Regeneration Therapy

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Regeneration therapy is a breakthrough technology that is changing the face of medicine. With regeneration therapy, stem cells can regenerate organs and other tissues in the body to cure a wide variety of medical and dental issues. If you are interested in trying stem cell regeneration therapy, here is some information that you need to know.

What Are Stem Cells?

The big question is, what exactly are stem cells? The stem cells used in rejuvenation therapy comes from embryos. There is a lot of misconceptions about where stem cells come from for stem cell research. Many people are against stem cell therapy because of the myth that the cells come from aborted fetuses; however, this couldn't be further from the truth. Stem cells are gained from leftover embryos that are donated by people who go through IVF treatments to try and get pregnant. Stem cells have also been known to be collected from women who donate their placenta after having a baby. Stems cells are never collected unless there is signed consent from a donor. Adult stem cells are collected as well, but they can only be used for certain types of therapies. Embryonic stem cells are used more often because they can regenerate virtually anything.

What Can be Treated With Stem Cells?

In theory, there is nothing that stem cells can't fix. However, it's a long process and there isn't an approved stem cell therapy for everything. Right now, stem cells can be used for many different things. Dentists are currently using stem cells for different dental treatments. Regeneration therapy can help regenerate severe gum loss that occurs during severe periodontal disease. It's also used in dental implants for people who aren't the best candidates. Often, dental implants are denied for people who have been missing their teeth for a long time. This is because their bone density in their jaw can be severely depleted. Using regeneration therapy with the dental implants will allow bone regeneration to begin.

Regenerative therapy is used for a lot of serious medical issues. Cancer patients often have more problems from the chemotherapy than the actual cancer. Chemo is designed to attack live cells, so it attacks the patient's entire body. The rejuvenation therapy can rejuvenate the cells in the body that the cancer attacked.

The 3 Rs

The three Rs of regeneration therapy are: Rejuvenation, Replacement, and Regeneration.

Rejuvenation— Rejuvenation is different from using other types of medicine to cure an ailment. Rejuvenation isn't about medicating and hoping the medication heals the problem. Instead of targeting the problem, it targets your own natural abilities. The cells that are divided and dying out because of your ailment will be revitalized and start repairing themselves, thus allowing you to self-heal.

Replacement— Any tissues that can't be regenerated need to be replaced. To do this, the damaged tissues are removed and replaced with new, healthy ones. These can be done by a deceased or a living donor, depending on the tissue. For example, heart transplants are obviously replaced using a heart from a deceased donor. What many people don't realize is that the liver can be replaced by a living donor. The liver can regenerate itself, so only a small piece need to be taken from a living donor, and they will eventually become a full liver for both the donor and the recipient.

Regeneration— Regeneration and rejuvenation are a bit different although they sound similar. After rejuvenation repairs damaged cells and tissues, the regeneration allows the healthy cells to grow. Live stem cells are injected and allow function in the tissue and organs to return. This includes vital organs, bone marrow, and even the gums in your mouth.

As you can see, stems cells are a vital part of medicine. Regeneration therapy can allow your once-healthy tissues to thrive again. If you think you're a candidate for your ailment, be sure to ask your doctor or dentist about the therapy.
