Tips For Surviving Your First Dental Root Canal

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If your dentist recently informed you that one of your molars needs a root canal, then it is important you have the procedure completed without delay. While the words "root canal" may have made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and fear to raise up in your mind, the reality is root canals have a horrible reputation that isn't necessarily accurate for the experience. Sure, root canals can be uncomfortable, but as long as you see a skilled dentist, they should never be painful. 

Since your root canal is important to preserve your tooth and avoid an extraction, schedule your appointment today and then follow each of these tips to make the experience as comfortable as possible.

Tip: Speak to Your Dentist About Your Fear

Dentists understand their patients often have a fear of root canals and they are specially trained to combat this fear when necessary. Because of this, you should not be embarrassed by your fear and should speak to your dentist about it. Sometimes just a simple conversation will make you feel a lot better about your impending procedure, and other times your dentist will give you a prescription for relaxation medication you can take before your root canal to help you relax and have a less fearful experience. 

Tip: Ask Your Dentist Upfront About a Plan for Pain Management

Just as you know before you have surgery that your surgeon will prescribe you pain medication, so you aren't in a lot of pain afterward, you should also have a clear plan for any pain you may have after your root canal. The best way to handle this is to ask your dentist or their office staff what they do for post-procedure pain and what the plan is if you have complications or an unusually bad issue with pain.

Tip: Speak Up to Avoid Any Unnecessary Pain or Discomfort

Finally, it is important to note you should always speak up if you feel any pain or discomfort during your root canal procedure. Your dentist doesn't want you to be in pain and has no way to know how you are feeling if you don't speak up and let them know. For this reason, if you feel any discomfort or pain during your root canal, it is vital you speak up so your dentist can change what they are doing or give you additional numbing medication.
