Stop Rooting Around: Alternatives To A Root Canal Surgery

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Root canal is perhaps the most horrifying word in a dental dictionary. When people hear that they need a root canal, many nearly recoil in fear. Needing a root canal can be difficult enough, especially if the tooth is in pain.  If you need a root canal but absolutely refuse to have the surgery, there are some alternatives. Some people are not aware that a root canal is just one action of many.  If you want to come up with an alternative to a root canal, here are some plans that you can put into action. 

Pull the tooth and put in a bridge

If the teeth surrounding the area that need the root canal are in good health, you can put in a bridge. First, you will need to get the tooth pulled. Once the tooth and root are healed, you can get fitted for a crown that will cover the missing tooth and a bridge to anchor it to the other teeth in the area. This solution works for everyone no matter what tooth size they are dealing with. This solution is also better when you only need one tooth replaced rather than several. Getting one tooth pulled and a bridge made can be cheap for those who are looking for a root canal alternative that will last for good. 

Have the tooth pulled and replace with an implant

Dental implants are a long-term solution to a missing tooth. If you need a root canal but do not desire to have this surgery, investing in an implant can be a good next step. First, you will need to have the tooth pulled and wait for the root and gum to heal. This process will take up to several weeks. Once the tooth has healed, you will be able to get the dental implant. During a dental implant, a screw is placed in the gums, where the root of the tooth previously resided. Attached to the end of the screw will be a tooth that was created specifically for you. Dental implants help to keep the gums healthy and strong, as well as offer a good long-term option. Dental implants can remain in your mouth forever, making them a permanent solution. If you need more than one root canal or if you have had a root canal on the same tooth more than once, a dental implant can save money and save your gums. 
